Course­ Manual BVM

Medical Imaging

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: BVM

Version: 1 | Last Change: 29.09.2019 18:36 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Medical Imaging
Approving CModule BMO_BaET, BMO_BaOPT
Prof. Dr. Uwe Oberheide
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from summer semester 2023
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year summer semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 78
Prof. Dr. Uwe Oberheide
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements Physics: wave propagation, acoustics, thermodynamics
Laser technology: laser types, coherence length, beam shaping
light-matter interaction: absorption, scattering, refractive index
Detection methods of electromagnetic radiation, simulation options for light propagation
Mathematics: integral calculus, Fourier transformation
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Dössel - Bildgebende Verfahren in der Medizin, Springer
Kaschke, Donnerhacke, Rill – Optical Devices in Ophthalmology and Optometrie
Final exam
Details Testing the taxonomy levels of understanding and applying by describing interaction processes in an idealized application environment.
Testing the taxonomy level of analyzing by means of real use cases to select diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
Minimum standard 50 % of the questions and tasks correctly solved
Exam Type EN mündliche Prüfung, strukturierte Befragung

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Overview of imaging techniques (Ultrasound imaging, X-ray projection method / computer tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, Posittron emission tomography, Optical (coherence) tomography, Hybrid process of optical and acoustic methods, Scheimpflug imaging)
Interaction between radiation and matter (absorption, emission, dispersion, reflection, refractive index, ionization)
Areas of application and limitations of individual methods (resolution, imaging vs. penetration depth, image reconstruction algorithms)
Skills Selection of the appropriate procedure by analysis of the advantages and disadvantages
Transfer of processes to industrial areas (quality assurance, material testing)
apply basic social and ethical values
Finding meaningful system boundaries by abstracting the essential aspects of a technical problem
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 1
Exercises (shared course) 0
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material Presentation slides for the lecture
Links to Internet resources with basic information
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Presentation of a current publication of an english-language professional journal
Skills Procurement of suitable literature/information
Familiarisation with new technical field of expertise
Use of english technical literature
Evaluation of available literature
Checking the relevance of information
Filtering out essential information and preparing it for the appropriate target group
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Seminar 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material Links to specialist journals and university library interlibrary loans
Current publications from specialist journals
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Fachgespräch (Interview) zu besonderen Fragestellungen (Szenario, Projektaufgabe, Lieraturrecherche)
Details Presentation on a given topic with literature research
The presentation should be adapted to the previous knowledge of the students of the course and enable a discussion of the content.
Minimum standard structured presentation of the most important points with a list of related sources

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