Course­ Manual FS

Research Seminar

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: FS

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Long name Research Seminar
Approving CModule FS_MaET
Prof. Dr. Jens Onno Krah
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from summer semester 2021
Level Master
Semester in the year every semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 282
alle Dozenten
Requirements Since the professional orientation of the seminar takes place in coordination with the supervising lecturer, the competence "scientific working" is rather to be brought along as a prerequisite, which is already trained in Bachelor's thesis. A further prerequisite is that the student is able to become familiar with the topics independently.
Language German, English if necessary
Separate final exam Yes
Final exam
Details The student works on the answer of the scientific question by literature search, production of a project plan, planning, execution and evaluation of experiments. The current status of the work is to be presented and defended in the scientific discourse three times during each semester in a seminar plus at the end in the form of a poster. 50% of the presentation and defence will be included in the overall evaluation.

Finally, the work steps are documented in the form of a scientific essay, 50% of which is also included in the evaluation.
Minimum standard 1) Placement in the thematic context has been done cleanly 2) A clear red thread can be seen, even in the case of a scientifically negative result. It is important that the chain of argumentation justifies why which work step was carried out. 3) The supervisor recognizes both points concretely in discussions in the laboratory, in presentation and defense of the work as well as in the final scientific essay. Of course, the highest mark can also be achieved in the case of a negative result, in case a correspondingly structured working method is used and presentation, defence and documentation are excellent.
Exam Type EN schriftlicher Ergebnisbericht

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills In the seminar and at the poster presentation the student presents and defends his work. The discussion and discourse in the subject as a skill of the candidate is thus achieved.
Knowledge Independent research on the scientific question leads to a high increase in knowledge, also to the right and left of the actual core question.
In the seminar and on the poster presentation the student learns about other scientific questions.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Seminar 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
ja (Abschlussdokumentation/Aufsatz auf englisch)
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam No

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