Course­ Manual MEG

Media ethics and society

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: MEG

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Long name Media ethics and society
Approving CModule MEG_BaMT
Prof. Dipl.-Des. Nicole Russi
Professorin Fakultät IME
Valid from summer semester 2022
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year summer semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 96
Requirements Pass the GGM2 module.
Students learn theories and a well-founded awareness regarding core questions of media ethics in the field of media production processes and must be able to apply them in the field of media design topics. Therefore, competences from the basic studies are important.
Language German
Separate final exam No
Philip Brey: The ethics of representation and action in virtual reality; Twente University, Fac. WMW/SW, Enschede, the Netherlands, 1999
Melanie Julia Heise: EinFach Philosophieren: Medienethik, Taschenbuch; 1. November 2014
von Christian Bauer (Herausgeber), Gertrud Nolte (Herausgeber), Gerhard Schweppenhäuser (Herausgeber): Ethik und Moral in Kommunikation und Gestaltung Broschiert; 1. Januar 2015
Alexander Göbel: Ethik und Werbung. Wenn die Geschmacksgrenze gezielt überschritten wird; Taschenbuch – 26. Juli 2013
Christian Schicha; Carsten Brosda: Handbuch der Medienethik; VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Basic concepts of ethics:
- Definition of ethics, morality and media ethics
- Standards and ideal standards
- Levels/Areas of Media Ethics
- Fields of Application of Media Ethics
- Principles of scientific work
- Holistic understanding of problems - philosophy and technology
Media ethics as applied area-specific ethics and codes:
- Media ethics and general ethics
- Responsibility as the Basis of Media Ethics - Limits of Morality and Ethics
- Ethical guidelines in the field of media, information technology, engineers and design
- (Media ethics and media law)
Media ethics/areas in practice in the field of media technology:
- Media ethics and journalism (e.g. Mohammed cartoons, reader journalism)
- Media ethics and design (image ethics, advertising formats, web presentations)
- Media ethics and VR/AR (long-term stays in VR and effects, virtualization of social interactions, simulation of horror scenarios, dangerous contents, generation of traumata by borderline representations, VR and data protection - data collection of emotions and body movements (neuromarketing)
- Media ethics and media power (e.g. the social responsibility of Wikileaks, Wikipedia, Google, etc.)
- Media ethics and social networks (e.g. responsibility for user data, netiquette)
- Media Ethics and Big Data and Privacy (Lack of Information Justice, Autonomy and Transparency)
- Manipulation: Socials Bots, Telephone fake Likes in Socialmedia
- etc.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Seminar 2
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Fachgespräch (Interview) zu besonderen Fragestellungen (Szenario, Projektaufgabe, Lieraturrecherche)
Details Preparation and submission of a term paper as an individual service (on a given topic)
Minimum standard Preparation and submission of a term paper as an individual service (on a given topic)

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills Creation of an own project on a practical media-ethical question.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Project 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Projektaufgabe im Team bearbeiten (z.B. im Praktikum)
Details At the end of the semester presentation work/project as group work (in the form of exhibition or mini film or website).
Minimum standard At the end of the semester presentation work/project as group work (in the form of exhibition or mini film or website).

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