Course­ Manual LMK

Light microscopy

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: LMK

Version: 1 | Last Change: 19.09.2019 15:08 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Light microscopy
Approving CModule LMK_BaET, LMK_BaET
Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from winter semester 2022/23
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 78
Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements mathematics;
vector calculus
complex numbers

physics / optics:
geometrical optics
wave optics
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Final exam
Details As long as the number of participants is not too high, oral examination is preferred of written exams.

Lowest competence level checked is knowledge. This could be e.g. structural components that are present in every microcsope, the raypath of a transmission and a reflexion microscope with Köhler illumination, the location of the angular apertur and the phase ring in a Zernike phase microscope or the reason for the direction selectivity in a differential interference contrast microscope.

The next competence level is related to skills. Examination could be done by the calculation of required parameters of key components in a microscope, either on the basis of given application specifications or by the specification of some compontents, that are already in use. Furthermore it can be checked, if the setup of Köhler illumination can be explained, ideally with explanatory statements.

The highest competence level adressed is methodical expertise. It can be checked by the discussion of a real world task: E.g.: Determine the radius of curvature of a lens. Here the choice of the right type of microscope is already important. Furthermore the process of data ackquisition and the data manipulation good methodical expertise. Another task could be to measure quantitatively the relative phase shift of two structures in an object.
Minimum standard Correct answer of at least 50 % of the questions
Exam Type EN mündliche Prüfung, strukturierte Befragung

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge depth of field
paraxial, on the object side
near and far point
hyperfocal distance
wace optical, on the image side

amplitude- and phase objects
law of Lamberr-Beer
optical density
phase, refraction index and optical distance
Abbe's theory of image formation
relative phase of diffraction orders
of amplitude objects
of phase objects

phase microscope
with phase disc
location and size of zero'th diffraction order
spatial coherence
diffraction artefacts
location and size of zero'th diffraction order
spatial coherence
the priniciple of Babinet
diffraction artefacts
visibility and contrast
attenuation in the phase ring

visibility of interference
temporal coherence
lenght of wavetrains
spectral composition of wavetrains
time shifted arrival of amplitude split wavetrains
fast change of interference patterns
coherence time
spatial coherence
spatially split wavetrains
phase shift in spatially split wavetrains in dependence of the location of the origin
spatial overlay of interference patterns
spatial coherence length

compensation plate
second interference pattern
phase shifts on reflexions
complementary interference patterns
contrast of unequal splitted wavefronts
ambiguity of intereference patterns
white light interferometer
interference colors and contrast function

interference microscope
sorted pairs of objectives
long work distance objectives
Schwarzschild objectives
differential interference contrast
modification of Huygens' principle
Wollaston-, Nomarski- and Smith prisms
splitting below resolution
interference colors
base optical path difference and lambda plate
coherence requirements in the DIC
transmission-interference microscopes
Leitz' Mach-Zehnder interference microscope
interphaco microscope
Skills calculate depth of field

convert optical density, dynamic in images and absorption coefficients into on another

determine phase discontinuities at interfaces quatitatively

calaculate sizes of phase rings and angular apertures of Zernike phase microscopes

calculate the strength of diffraction orders and derive image contrast from them

estimate temporal coherence from bandwith of frequencies and wavelengths and vice versa

estimate spatial coeherence from lightsource size and distance and vice versa

draw ray paths of the different interference micorscopes and explain them

calculate the requirements regarding coherence in the different interference microscopes

calculate geometries from ackquired interferograms

predict colors in white light interferometry

explain and compare physically and technically the underliying principles of different microscopes
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material lecture notes as downloadable file
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills set up Köhler illumination

balancing lengths and angles in interferometers

prepare objects for microscopy

set up, adjust and use microscopes, especially
bright field
dark field
Zernike phase contrast
Linnik interference contrast
differential interference contrast

choose a suitable microscopy principle for a given object and task

tell artefacts from object details

judge image quality

write scientific report
describe the task
descirbe the idea of the solution
explain the experimental setup
explain the data processing
make error analysis
present the results and make a critical discussion
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 2
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material Instrcutions for the experiments as downloadable files.

Operating manuals for complex equipment as downloadable files.
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Projektaufgabe im Team bearbeiten (z.B. im Praktikum)
Details 1) Written examination questions related to the experiment have to be prepared at home and shown at the beginning of the laboratory.

2) The underlying ideas of the experiment have to be explained at the beginning of the laboratory.

3) Make the experiment alone (preferred) or in a team of two.
- Build up and adjust your own setup
- Acquire / measure date with this setup

4) Write a documentation on the experiment. It will be checked wih regard to
- completness
- scientific and precise language
- correctness
- understanding of the interrellations and interpretation of the results
Minimum standard All written tasks must have been delt with.

The basic ideas of the experiment must have been understood.

All experiments must have been performed.

The reports must be free of systematical errors.

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