Course­ Manual MCI

Human Computer Interaction

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: MCI

Version: 3 | Last Change: 01.10.2019 20:03 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Human Computer Interaction
Approving CModule MCI_MaMT, MCI_MaTIN
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnulph Fuhrmann
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from summer semester 2021
Level Master
Semester in the year summer semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 78
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnulph Fuhrmann
Professor Fakultät IME

Prof. Dr. Stefan Grünvogel
Professor Fakultät IME

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luigi Lo Iacono
ehemaliger Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements none
Language German, English if necessary
Separate final exam Yes
A. M. Heinecke: Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Basiswissen für Entwickler und Gestalter, 2. Auflage, Springer, 2011
S. Krug: Don't Make Me Think!: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2. Auflage, New Riders, 2005)
A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. D. Abowd, R. Beale: Human-Computer Interaction, 3. Auflage, Pearson, 2004
A. Cooper: About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design, 3. Auflage, Wiley 2007
B. Shneiderman, C. Plaisant: Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Addison Wesley, 2009
E. R. Tufte: Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, 1990
H. Loranger, J. Nielsen: Web Usability, Addison-Wesley, 2008
J. Lazar, J.H. Feng, H. Hochheiser, Research Methods in Human-Computer-Interaction, Wiley, 2012
Final exam
Details In a project in a team, an interactive artefact is created, scientific questions (also in the field of usability) are set up and examined with the corresponding methods. For example, online booking systems, technical devices and interfaces can be developed. The results will be presented to an audience of experts an a during the elaboration or presentation of the project and documented in an form of an scientific paper.

If there is a large number of participants, a written examination may also be used as a form of examination.
Minimum standard The students show that they can apply basic aspects in the development of user interfaces. They are able to apply simple methods of interface evaluation and interpret them accordingly. They are able to reflect on their own approach and to document the results professionally. You take into account the rules of good scientific practice.
Exam Type EN schriftlicher Ergebnisbericht

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Models and design principles of interactive systems
Principles of context-, task- and user-oriented development of interactive systems
Basics of barrier-free access to interactive systems
Relevant standards and guidelines: EN ISO 9241, ISO 14915, HHS
Control options: Dedicated input/output devices, voice control, gesture control
Best Practices and Style Guides: Desktop / Web / Mobile / Hybrid Applications
Usability evaluation (analytical/empirical, heuristics, expert interviews, focus groups, user studies)
Evaluation methods (thinking aloud, eye-tracking, (semi-)structured interviews)

Experimental Research: Research Question, Hypotheses, Errors of 1st and 2nd Kind
Experiment Design: Between Group, Within Group, Split-Plot, Reliability of Experimental Results
Statistical analysis: scale levels, descriptive statistics, T-tests, ANOVA, regression, correlation
Surveys: sampling and sample selection, sources of error, questionnaires, evaluation of surveys
Skills Organizing and carrying out development tasks
Design of user interfaces with special consideration of MCI principles
Implementation of user interfaces
Implementation of user studies
Design processes for interactive applications
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material electronic lecture slides for the lecture
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills Capturing and understanding textual tasks
Recording tasks and creating models from them
Implementing UI components on the basis of the models created
Testing and securing developments
Checking and evaluating work results of comolitons
Applying MCI research methods and terminology
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Knowledge of programming and web standards
Accompanying material electronic lecture slides for the lecture
electronic colleciton of exercises
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Übungsaufgabe mit fachlich / methodisch eingeschränktem Fokus lösen
Details Presence exercise and self-learning tasks
Minimum standard The tasks are solved independently and the students can explain the results of their work.
Active participation in the discussion of tasks

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills Organize and carry out development tasks.
Design of user interfaces under special consideration of MCI principles: Determination of context-. Task and user requirements, selection of UI technologies for a specific task, handling and classification of UI technologies and procedures.
Implementation of user interfaces: Design and development of user interfaces for a concrete task, desktop applications, web applications, mobile applications, hybrid applications, functional testing of user interfaces
Carrying out user studies, e.g. Think-Aloud Tests, Eye-Tracking, Mouse-Tracking, Questionnaires
Evaluation of user studies (SPSS) and documentation
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Project 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam No

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