Course­ Manual VA

Networking in automation technology

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: VA

Version: 1 | Last Change: 11.10.2019 17:13 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Networking in automation technology
Approving CModule VA_BaET
Prof. Dr. Markus Stockmann
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from summer semester 2023
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 78
Prof. Dr. Markus Stockmann
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements IP, PI1, PI2, GTI
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Wird zu Beginn der Vorlesung vorgestellt
Final exam
Details Pro rata: Written examination to test for the competences K4, K5, K7, K11, K16, K8 in terms of LO1

Pro rata: Assessment of a student solution to a practical problem (domain of networking). The project has to be worked on in small groups during the semester and tests for the competences in terms of LO1
Minimum standard Students know the interfaces and communication protocolls of modern microcontrollers and (mini)computers and they can program them. Students know the typical challenges of IoT applications in the contrast to classical automation applications and they can assess presented networking strategies. Students know the differences between classical protocolls in contrast to IoT protocolls and they can name the (dis)advantages, apply and evaulate them. Students know the modern principles of networking ioT devices.
Exam Type EN andere summarische Prüfungsform

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Linking microcontrollers and (mini)computers with sensors and actuators (modern interfaces and protocolls)
Networking of devices (also in terms of smart and IoT devices)
Standard protocolls vs. IoT protocolls
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 3
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills Students have to work in small groups on a practical problem and by that they learn to work on complex technical problems in a team.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Project 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material undefined
Separate exam No

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