Course­ Manual GO

Geometrical Optics

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: GO

Version: 1 | Last Change: 30.09.2019 11:40 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Geometrical Optics
Approving CModule GO_BaET
Prof. Dr. Michael Gartz
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from winter semester 2021/22
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 78
Prof. Dr. Michael Gartz
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements differential calculus, integral calculus, trigonometry, elementary geometry
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Pedrotti, Pedrotti, Bausch, Schmidt: Optik für Ingenieure. Grundlagen (Springer)
Hecht: Optik (Oldenbourg)
Bergmann, Schaefer, Bd.3, Optik, de Gruyter
Schröder, Technische Optik, Vogel Verlag
Naumann, Schröder, Bauelemente der Optik, Hanser Verlag
Saleh, Teich, Grundlagen der Photonik, Wiley-VCH
Final exam
Details Written examination with differentiated types of exercises of taxonomy ratings understanding, appliance, analyzing and synthesizing.
That means, excersises concerning lens systems have to be constructed and calculated. Optical basic principles have to be understood and have to be applied correspondig to the analyzed optical problem, done before.
Minimum standard 50 % of the exercises with different taxonomy ratings correctly processed
Exam Type EN Klausur

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge Fundamental Terms and properties of optical Systems
Light and radiation
Delimitation of the geometrical optics to the wave optics
Fundamental terms and laws of the geometrical optics
main planes and main points and their meaning for optical systems
definition of aperture, diaphragms, pupils and hatches
dispersion of optical glasses
Knowledge design principles of special optical systems
optical imaging with mirrors
optical imaging with lenses and lens-systems
basic optical devices
magnifying glass
Knowledge Properties of special assembly parts of optical systems:
flat-parallel plates
image increase
spherical aberration in case of perpendicular radiographic
astigmatism in case of inclined radiographic
beam deflection
minimal deflection in case of symmetrical beam path
spectral deflection
Skills calculation of lens systems with 1 and 2 lenses:
focal length
object and image distance
principal planes
back focus length
image position
reproduction scale
image size
image orientation
Skills drawing and construction of
optical pathes
principal planes, main planes
Skills Determination of
entrance- and spill- pupils,
entrance- and spill- hatches
principal rays
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 1
Exercises (shared course) 0
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material Presentation slides for the lecture as pdf-files, exercise task as downloadable files
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills optical settings align
Skills make record series of measurements and document them
Skills generate diagrams
Skills checking results for plausibility
Skills recognize and understand correlations
Skills make error analysis
Skills realize basical optical set-ups
assemble, align, make functional check
Skills investigate natural scientific and technical principles by optical set-ups.
project record series of measurements, estimate error effects, check the suitability of the set-up
Skills make the evaluation of self generated record series of measurements
present measurement values graphically
calculate implicit values in correct mathematical manner from measurement values
recognize logical errors and name them
simulate measurement values with given formulas
Skills compose a traceable report
describe the conceptual formulation
state the method of resolution
represent the results in a clear manner
discuss the results in a technical, academic manner
Skills work on complex technical tasks by teamwork
organize in subtasks
present the results and make a critical discussion
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material written instructions to each experiment as pdf-files
Separate exam No

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