Course­ Manual RM

Scanning Microscopy

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: RM

Version: 1 | Last Change: 30.10.2019 17:00 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Scanning Microscopy
Approving CModule RM_MaET
Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer
Professor Fakultät IME
Valid from winter semester 2020/21
Level Master
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 114
Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements mathematics:
differential- and integral calculus
complex numbers
vector calculus
basics of differential geometry

physics / optics:
geometrical optics
wave optics
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Reimer: Scanning Electron Microscopy (Springer)
Meyer, Hug, Bennewitz: Scanning Probe Microscopy (Springer)
Wilhelm, Gröbler, Gluch, Heinz: Die konfokale Laser Scanning Mikroskopie (Carl Zeiss)
Final exam
Details As long as the number of participants is not too high, oral examination is preferred of written exams.

To a small amount, the lowest competence level, knowledge, is checked. This could be e.g. the different types of cathodes in electron microscopes, which lead to different classes of instruments or it could be a question regarding the different building principles of confocal measurement setups.

The next competence level is related to skills. Examination could be done by showing the sketch of a setup and it has to be devided into different functional groups and the critical aspects in each group has to be identified. Another skill to be tested could be to start from the Lorenz force and show, why charged particles don't change their energy in magnetic fields.

The highest competence level adressed is methodical expertise. It can be checked by the discussion of a real world task: More scientific tasks could be to give a justified explaination, if the construction of an electron microscope with a certain acceleration voltage needs relativistic calculation or not. Another question could be if quantum effects have to be taken into account or not when dealing with a certain type of cathode system. More practical oriented questions could regard a measurement task in 3D topography and it has to be explained, what measurement principle could be chosen for this task and which one not. A guided discussion is very well suited to find out, if the underlying principles are understood and can be applied correctly, if scientific transfer is possible and how much overview there is.
Minimum standard Correct answer of at least 50 % of the questions
Exam Type EN mündliche Prüfung, strukturierte Befragung

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Knowledge electron microscopy
wave-particle dualism of electrons, De Brogli wavelength
reletivistic mass increas
resolution of electron optical systems
depth of field in an electron microscope
electron emission
physics of electron emission
thermoionic emission
Schottky emission
field emission
technical construction of electron emitters
brigthness as a conserving magnitude
magentic deflection units
focussing lens
equations of motion for electrons in focussing lenses
principles of aberration minimization
scan system
electron matter interaction
primary electrons
secondary electrons
Auger electrons
characteristic x rays
cathodo luminescence
Everhart-Thornley detector
electron contrast
topography contrast
material contrast
lattice orientation contrast
conductivity contrast
applications and limitations

tunneling microscope
wave function
continuity and continuous differentiable
probability interpretation
potential diagram
Fermi level
work function
quantummechanical calculation of the tunneling probability
biased tunneling barrier and WKB approximation
piezo motors
physical principles
nonlinearity, hysteresis, creep
principles of control theory in a tunneling microscope
preparation of tunneling tips
image as result of a measurement
convolution of object and tip
lattive resolution and atomic resolution
applications and limits

atomic force microscope
types: contact mode, noncontact mode, tapping mode, magnetic mode,
applications and limits

confocal microscopy
principle of confocal apertures
principle of optical sectioning
lateral and axial resolution
pupil illumination and over-illumination in concofal laser scanning microscopes
problems of adjustment
Nipkow disc
freedom of adjustment
light budget and reflections
rotating microlens array
confocal dispersion sensor
applications and limits
Skills electron micorscope
calculate classical and relativistic electron speeds
calculate wavelngths of electron
calculate resolution of electron optical systems
explain the different emission regimes
explain the different electron-matter interaction processes
sketch and explain the different types of electron lenses
sketch and explain an Everhart-Thornley detector
calculate the depth of field in an electron microscope

tunneling microscope
sketch and explain the potential over space diagram for tunneling
explain the Ansatz to calculate the tunneling probability
explain the difference between atomic- and lattice resolution
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 0
Exercises (whole course) 0
Exercises (shared course) 0
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material lecture notes as downloadable file
Separate exam No

Learning goals
Goal type Description
Skills Adjustment and use of
electron microscopes
tunneling microscopes
atomic force microscopes
confocal micorscopes

perform a metrological task
measurement of hights
measurement of 3D topographies
structural analysis
finding ultimate resolution limits

interpretation of metrological findings
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 2
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special requirements
Accompanying material none
Separate exam Yes
Separate exam
Exam Type EN Projektaufgabe im Team bearbeiten (z.B. im Praktikum)
Details Accopmpaning the execution of the metrological task

Examination of the theoretical background regarding the underlying principles of the instrumentation and the application

Examination of the results regarding the technical level of the experimental process and the scientific level of the analysis and interpretation.
Minimum standard All experimentals tasks have been performed.

In all experiments a level of understanding is achieved, that a use of the instrumention all alone is possible.

At least 50 % of the images and measurement results would be, if given in an industrial or scientific context, regarded as sufficient and problem solved.

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