
EA - Electrical Drives

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: EA

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Long name Electrical Drives
Approving CModule EA_BaET
Prof. Dr. Christian Dick
Professor Fakultät IME
Organisation and materials undefined
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 60
Prof. Dr. Christian Dick
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements Understanding power electronic topologies
Mechanics - Equation of motion
Language German, English if necessary
Separate final exam Yes
Rik De Doncker, Duco W.J. Pulle, André Veltman: Advanced Electrical Drives: Analysis, Modeling, Control - Springer Verlag, 2011
Werner Leonhard: Regelung elektrischer Antriebe Springer-Verlag, 2. Auflage, 2000
Dierk Schröder, Elektrische Antriebe – Grundlagen Springer-Verlag
Final exam
It is planned to conduct the summary examination as an oral examination, in individual cases with a high number of candidates also a written examination. The examination ensures that each student has achieved the goals of the L.O. individually.

80% of this summary examination is included in the overall grade. The remaining 20% weighting is based on a lab.
Minimum standard
In a concrete example, the student can explain the dynamic properties of a mechanical load. (Acceleration processes)

The student can display the authorization of coordinate transformations for rotary field drives, explain and apply the transformation himself.
Exam Type
It is planned to conduct the summary examination as an oral examination, in individual cases with a high number of candidates also a written examination. The examination ensures that each student has achieved the goals of the L.O. individually.

80% of this summary examination is included in the overall grade. The remaining 20% weighting is based on a lab.

Learning goals

Stationary and dynamic behaviour of linear and rotating drives

Fundamentals of Magnetic Components

Sensors for drives if necessary

Drives with the direct current machine

Basics for rotary field drives

Drives with the asynchronous machine

Drives with the synchronous machine

Outlook: Drives with the reluctance machine, with the brushless DC machine (BLDC), with the stepper motor

The students are able to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Students will be able to demonstrate the differences between different drive concepts, recognize advantages and disadvantages and thus take steps in drive synthesis.

The students are aware of the importance of drive technology for automation, energy efficiency and electric vehicles.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 2
Exercises (shared course) 0
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
Lecture script

Exercise script
Separate exam

Learning goals

Dynamic tests with the synchronous machine

Dynamic tests with the asynchronous machine

The student can wire up a drive topology, survey it, analyse it, put it into operation in several steps and finally measure it.

Demonstrate action competence
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
Lab documents
Separate exam
Exam Type
working on practical scenarion (e.g. in a lab)
1st sub-rating: partial mark: entrance certificate. The student is asked to what extent he/she is prepared and has understood the contents to such an extent that participation makes sense. Good contributions, including good questions, are also assessed.

2nd sub-rating: During the internship the supervisors ask various questions, but especially: "What are you doing right now? The answer goes into the evaluation.

3rd sub-rating: After the internship, an elaboration is prepared and assessed.

The interview and the observation of the internship is regarded as an essential form to recognize the competence of the students.
Minimum standard
The students show that they have prepared themselves, that they have understood in advance what the subject of the internship is and that they are actively involved in the internship.

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