
BAA - Bachelor Thesis

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: BAA

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Long name Bachelor Thesis
Approving CModule BAA_BaTIN
Studiengangsleiter(in) Bachelor Technische Informatik
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year every semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 360
alle Dozenten
Requirements The spectrum of concrete tasks covers the entire subject of computer science and related engineering sciences. For this reason, all competencies conveyed in the preceding course of studies are potentially necessary and can only be limited individually by the specific task.
However, all bachelor theses have in common that they are terated as project. The planning of this project is obligatory, so that the contents of the module IT project management can be regarded as compelling competence for all Bachelortheses.
Language German, English if necessary
Separate final exam Yes
Die benötigte Literatur ergibt sich aus dem Konatext der konkreten Aufgabenstellung.
Final exam
After specifying a task in the field of computer science and related engineering sciences, the task will be substantiated and the necessary literature research will be carried out. After independent training in the necessary methods the individual task is solved. The result of the work is presented in writing the bachelor thesis in the form of a scientific elaboration.
Minimum standard
The provided work should be considered sufficient in repect to a potential project work in the labor market. It is also important here that this work was provided independently and that one's own performance was clearly separated from the works of others used to solve the problem.
Exam Type
After specifying a task in the field of computer science and related engineering sciences, the task will be substantiated and the necessary literature research will be carried out. After independent training in the necessary methods the individual task is solved. The result of the work is presented in writing the bachelor thesis in the form of a scientific elaboration.

Learning goals

The students are able to use the practical and theoretical knowledge acquired during their studies independently to solve problems.
The students are able to present the given task, the chosen solution, the other possible solution alternatives as well as the technical basics clearly and comprehensibly in written form. They use state of the art tools, standards and methods.
The development of an actual solution to a problem in computer science or engineering always means the ability to think in systems. For a typical solution, whole or partial systems have to be analyzed, designed, implemented, tested and documented.
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Special literature
Special requirements
These are specific to respective task.
Accompanying material
Accompanying materials are specific to respective task.
Separate exam

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