
EMV - Electrical safety and EMC

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: EMV

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Long name Electrical safety and EMC
Approving CModule EMV_BaET
Prof. Dr. Christof Humpert
Professor Fakultät IME
Organisation and materials ILU course for the Electrical safety and EMC
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year summer semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 60
Prof. Dr. Christof Humpert
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements Fundamentals of electrical engineering
- Specific resistance, capacitor, inductor
- Basic circuits and impedances in the AC circuit
- Complex AC calculation
- Three-phase system
- Electric and magnetic alternating field
- Dielectric and magnetic material properties
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Kiefer, Schmolke, Callondann: VDE 0100 und die Praxis Wegweiser für Anfänger und Profis (VDE Verlag)
Rudnik, Luber, Pelta: Schutzmaßnahmen gegen elektrischen Schlag (VDE Verlag)
Schwab, Kürner: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (Springer)
Stotz: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit in der Praxis (Springer)
Final exam
Written examination, in some cases also oral examination, with the following elements:
- Free text answers to inquire about the necessary knowledge (hazards, typical measures, electromagnetic interference)
- Text exercises for the calculation of fault currents, touch voltages, interference voltages in known and new systems
- Text exercises for the determination and analysis of interference spectra
- Text exercises for the analysis of systems and selection and dimensioning of protection and interference suppression measures
Minimum standard
50 % of the questions and tasks correctly solved
Exam Type
Written examination, in some cases also oral examination, with the following elements:
- Free text answers to inquire about the necessary knowledge (hazards, typical measures, electromagnetic interference)
- Text exercises for the calculation of fault currents, touch voltages, interference voltages in known and new systems
- Text exercises for the determination and analysis of interference spectra
- Text exercises for the analysis of systems and selection and dimensioning of protection and interference suppression measures

Learning goals

Electrical safety
- Effects of electrical current on the human body
- Network configurations and possible touch voltages
- Grounding, earth electrode, gradient area, step voltage
- Protective measures, protective insulation, protective equipotential bonding, safety extra-low voltage, protective separation, protective earthing, residual current circuit protection
- Protective devices, fuses, line safety switch, residual current devices

Electromagnetic compatibility
- Definitions, basic influencing model, level definition
- Description in time and frequency domain, Fourier series, Fourier transform
- sources of interference, differential-mode and common-mode interference, narrow-band interference sources, intermittent broadband interference sources, transient sources of interference (ESD, LEMP, SEMP, NEMP)
- Coupling mechanisms, galvanic coupling, capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, radiation coupling
- Interference suppression measures, electromagnetic screens, filters, lightning protection, surge arresters

Use protective measures
- Know hazards due to electric current
- Calculate touch voltages depending on the network configuration and the type of fault
- Select suitable protective measures according to standard
- Dimension protective measures

Analyze and evaluate interference spectra
- Assign interference spectra to typical sources of interference
- Calculate the interference spectrum using the Fourier analysis
- Determine the interference spectrum with simplified methods
- Reconstruct the time domain function from the interference spectrum
- Evaluate the effect of interference suppression measures on the basis of the interference spectrum
- Evaluate the influence on interference sink

Select and dimension interference suppression measures
- Select appropriate measures depending on the coupling mechanism
- Apply measures for differential-mode and common-mode interferences
- Select measures depending on the interference spectrum
- Dimension external lightning protection measures
- Calculate surge voltages in the case of lightning strikes
- Calculate the influence of filters
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 2
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
Electronic presentation slides for the lecture
Detailed exercise task collection with solutions
Electronic tutorials for self-study, questionnaire and task help sheets
Separate exam

Learning goals

Effects and limitation of overvoltages, types of surge arresters
Properties and influence of electrostatic discharges
Frequency spectra of conducted interference voltages
Basics of the normative specifications

Understand and implement complex texts and standards
Use calculation tools for EMC analysis
Plan EMC tests, analyze and modify test setups and compare them with normative specifications
Investigate sources of interference experimentally, measure interference spectra, compare with calculation results
Analyze and compare the effect of interference suppression measures and explain differences
Manage complex tasks in a team
Summarize, evaluate and interpret results in written form

Demonstrate action competence
Independent familiarization and execution of simulations with LTspice
Investigation of mesh filters and their parasitic properties
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 1
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
Electronic tutorials and task collections for the lab exercises
Documents from standards
Separate exam
Exam Type
working on projects assignment with your team e.g. in a lab)
Written test to control the preparation of the lab excercises
Observation of the lab exercises perfomed independent and feedback
Evaluation of detailed reports of the lab exercises
Minimum standard
70 % of the written test correctly
80 % of the measurement results correct
80 % of the evaluation performed correctly
80 % of the discussion makes sense

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