
DR - Digital Computer

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: DR

Version: 7 | Last Change: 19.09.2019 11:40 | Draft: 0 | Status: vom verantwortlichen Dozent freigegeben

Long name Digital Computer
Approving CModule DR_BaTIN
Prof. Dr. Lothar Thieling
Professor Fakultät IME
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 60
NF Hartung
Requirements none
Language German
Separate final exam Yes
Urbanski K., Woitowikz R.: Digitaltechnik, 4. Auflage Springer 2004
Beuth K.: Elektronik Bd. 4 Digitaltechnik, Vogel Verlag 2001
Lipp H.M.: Grundlagen der Digitaltechnik, 4. Auflage Oldenbourg 2002
Tanenbaum A. S.; Austin T.. Rechnerarchitektur: Von der digitalen Logik zum Parallelrechner Pearson Deutschland 2014
Final exam
The students should demonstrate the following competencies in a written exam: 1.) Safe handling of concepts and mechanisms. 2.) Analysis of given digital circuits. 3.) Design of digital systems (simple networks, counters, automata) in VHDL based on given textual specifications. 4.) Implementation of high-level language constructs in assembler or vice versa.
Minimum standard
At least 50% of the total number of points
Exam Type
The students should demonstrate the following competencies in a written exam: 1.) Safe handling of concepts and mechanisms. 2.) Analysis of given digital circuits. 3.) Design of digital systems (simple networks, counters, automata) in VHDL based on given textual specifications. 4.) Implementation of high-level language constructs in assembler or vice versa.

Learning goals

boolean algebra
basic functions
axioms and laws
disjunctive normal form, minterms
conjunctive normal form, maxterms
systematic simplification

boolean network
logic gates, tri-state buffer
description forms
boolean equation
KV diagram
transformations between the forms of description
synthesis (including transfer from text to problem solution)
don't-care conditions
typical networks
number representation in computer systems
dual-code, hexadecimal-code, change of basis
two's complement
fixed point representation
floating point representation
feedback networks
flip-flops and latches
asynchronous control
clock state control
edge triggered
parallel read-write register
shift register
parallel-serial conversion
seria-parallell conversion
practice-oriented specifications
setup time
hold time
minimum puls width
synchronous counters
the basic idea
construction using D flip-flops
specification using VHDL
refer VHDL

finite state machines
description of state machines using state transition diagrams (Moore)
design of state machines as a problem-solving
Implementation using VHDL
state transition diagrams
modeling according to Moore
characteristics (determinism, completeness)
specification of boolean networks
structure of a VHDL program (entity, port, architecture, signals, in, out)
signals (type stdlogic: 1, 0, Tri-State, Don't-Care)
signal assignment (direct implementation of boolean functions)
conditional signal assignment (direct conversion of tables)
vectors of signals
integer data type and conversion from/to signal vectors
design entry VHDL
specification of counters and finite state machines
processes and sequential instructions (process, variable, if, case, event, type)
implementation of regular counter in VHDL
implementation of finite state machines in VHDL
hierarchical VHDL-desin
packages, components, portmaps, generics
programmable logic devices
the basic idea
CPLD versus FPGA
design tool
scematic design entry
basic library (gates, in, ou, buffer, mux, decoder, flip-flops)
hierarchical schematics
VHDL design entry
detail refer VHL
structure and mode of operation of a simple computer
structure of a Von Neumann computer (registers, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, memory, buses)
mode of operation (program execution based on register transfers)
concretization of mode of operation (a minimal simulated Von Neumann computer)
programming the minimal computer in assembler (simple loops, different addressing modes)

design and operation of a dedicated CPU (eg IA32E-architecture)
architectural overview
mode of operation (program execution based on register transfers)
basics for programming in assembly language

specifying system behavior (derived from text documents)

development of problem solutions that can be implemented with boolean networks

interpretation and convertion of codes

development of problem solutions that can be implemented with synchronous counters

development of problem solutions that can be implemented with finite state machines

explain the operation of a Von Neumann computer
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 1
Exercises (shared course) 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
lecture foils (electronic)
set of exercise (electronic)
tool chaine for VHDL-design
set of example-designs
simulator for a simple Von-Neumann-computer
self-study tutorials for the tool chain and the simulator
Separate exam

Learning goals

development od digital systems

explain the system behavior of a Von Neumann computer

implement subsystems of a Von Neumann computer

implementation of C-code sequences using assembler

manage complex tasks as a small team

develop problem solutions
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 1
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
problem and task description (electronic)
toolchain for VHD-design
set of example designs (electronic)
simulator for a simple Von-Neumann-Computer
self-study tutorials for the tool chain and the simulator
Separate exam

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