Lehrveranstaltungshandbuch Advanced Channel Coding
Verantwortlich: Prof.Dr. Uwe Dettmar
Befriedigt Modul (MID)
Version |
erstellt |
2013-04-25 |
2 |
gültig ab |
WS 2012/13 |
gültig bis |
Bezeichnung |
Lang |
Advanced Channel Coding |
F07_ACC |
LVPID (Prüfungsnummer) |
Semesterplan (SWS) |
Vorlesung |
2 |
Übung (ganzer Kurs) |
1 |
Übung (geteilter Kurs) |
Praktikum |
1 |
Projekt |
Seminar |
Tutorium (freiwillig) |
Präsenzzeiten |
Vorlesung |
30 |
Übung (ganzer Kurs) |
15 |
Übung (geteilter Kurs) |
Praktikum |
15 |
Projekt |
Seminar |
Tutorium (freiwillig) |
max. Teilnehmerzahl |
Übung (ganzer Kurs) |
15 |
Übung (geteilter Kurs) |
Praktikum |
15 |
Projekt |
Seminar |
Gesamtaufwand: 150
Notwendige Voraussetzungen
- basics in linear algebra
- basics in stochastics
- basic programming capabilities
- R. E. Blahut. Algebraic Codes for Data Transmission. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
- S. Lin and D. J. Costello. Error Control Coding. ISBN 0-13-042672-5. Prentice-Hall, 2004
- T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas. Elements of Information Theory. Wiley, New Jersey, 2006
- A. Neubauer. Kanalcodierung. Schlembach, Wilburgstetten, 2006.
- R. Roth. Introduction to Coding Theory. Cambridge, second edition, 2006
- B. Sklar. Digital Communications. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
- Dipl.-Ing. Martin Seckler
Advanced Channel Coding
Form |
sK |
70% Regelfall (bei geringer Prüfungsanzahl: sMP) |
bK |
30% (3 eTests each of 45min duration) |
Intervall: 2/Jahr
Vorlesung / Übung
Lerninhalte (Kenntnisse)
- binary block and convolutional codes
- definitions, fundamental principles
- definition of error correction and detection
- linear and non-linear codes
- Hamming distance and Hamming weight
- minimum distance
- linear block codes
- properities of linear codes
- Generator and parity check matrix
- systematic codes
- simple coding and decoding examples
- convolutional codes
- definition
- encoder, state diagram, trellis
- distance properties, catastrophic codes
- error probaiblities
- Viterbi decoder, optimum metrics
- basics of information theory
- definitions, joined and conditional entropy
- AEP theorem, channel capacity, channel coding theorem
- channel capacity of the AWGN channel, waterfilling
- finite fields and coding
- review of basic theorems
- primitive elements
- cyclic codes
- definition and properties
- generator and check polynomial, syndrome
- non algebraic decoding methods and structures
- Reed-solomon codes
- Definition and properties
- classical decoding algorithm
- codes for iterative decoding
- concept of iterative decoding
- Tanner graphs
- BCJR algorithm
- TURBO codes and decoding
- LDPC codes and decoding
- basics of Space-Time-Coding
- definitions
- Alamouti scheme
- assess and compare methods for error control coding
- choose coding schemes for given applications
- define code properties and use coding bounds
- characterize performance and complexity
- analyse performance impacts of error correcting cods in communication systems
- understand and and solve problems related to error control coding
- achieve system trade-offs by using error correcting codes
- scriptum
- pdfs of the lecture slides
- problems library with solutions (pdf)
- supplementary sheets
Besondere Voraussetzungen
Besondere Literatur
Besonderer Kompetenznachweis
Form |
bK |
3 electronic midterm tests |
Beitrag zum LV-Ergebnis |
bK |
30% |
Intervall: 1/Jahr
- test theoretical results from lecture and tutorial
- implement algorithms for error control coding
- simulate BER
Handlungskompetenz demonstrieren
- adapt programs to solve equivalent problems
- become acquainted with the Matlab Communications Toolbox
- self-contained work with the provided simulation tools and programs
- write own Matlab scripts
- comparison of different technical solutions
- problem sheets
- manual pages for the Matlab Communication Toolbox
Besondere Voraussetzungen
Besondere Literatur
Besonderer Kompetenznachweis
Form |
bPA |
solve given problems in dyads |
Beitrag zum LV-Ergebnis |
bPA |
not marked |
Intervall: 1/Jahr

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