Course Digital Signal Processing
Responsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Elders-Boll
Meets requirements of following modules(MID)
Course Organization
Version |
created |
2013-04-25 |
2 |
valid from |
WS 2012/13 |
valid to |
Course identifiers |
Long name |
Digital Signal Processing |
F07_DSP |
CEID (exam identifier) |
Contact hours per week (SWS) |
Lecture |
2 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
1 |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
1 |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial(voluntary) |
Total contact hours |
Lecture |
30 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
15 |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
15 |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial (voluntary) |
Max. capacity |
Exercise (unsplit) |
15 |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
15 |
Project |
15 |
Seminar |
Total effort (hours): 150
Instruction language
Study Level
- No formal requirements, but students will be expected to be familiar with:
- Basic Knowledge of Signals and Systems
- Continuous-Time LTI-Systems and Convolution
- Fourier-Transform
- Basic Knowledge of Probability and Random Variables
Textbooks, Recommended Reading
- John G. Proakis and Dimitris K. Manolakis. Digital Signal Processing (4th Edition). Prentice Hall, 2006.
- Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall, 2007.
- Vinay Ingle and John Proakis. Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB. Cengage Learning Engineering, 2011.
- Prof.Dr. Harald Elders-Boll
Supporting Scientific Staff
Transcipt Entry
Digital Signal Processing
Type |
oE |
oral exam (80%), normal case (large number of assessments: wE) |
Total effort [hours] |
oE |
10 |
Frequency: 2-3/year
Course components
Additional Component Assessment
Type |
fAP |
2-3 tests |
fPS |
tutorial |
Contribution to course grade |
fAP |
20% |
fPS |
not rated |
Frequency: 1/Jahr
Additional Component Assessment
Contribution to course grade |
fSZ |
prerequisite for the final exam |
Frequency: 1/Jahr

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