Course Advanced Mathematics
Responsible: Prof.Dr. Schellong
Meets requirements of following modules(MID)
Course Organization
Version |
created |
2013-04-29 |
2 |
valid from |
WS 2012/13 |
valid to |
Course identifiers |
Long name |
Advanced Mathematics |
F07_HIM |
CEID (exam identifier) |
Contact hours per week (SWS) |
Lecture |
2 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
2 |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial(voluntary) |
2 |
Total contact hours |
Lecture |
30 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
30 |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial (voluntary) |
30 |
Max. capacity |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
40 |
Lab |
18 |
Project |
18 |
Seminar |
40 |
Total effort (hours): 150
Instruction language
Study Level
- Real functions of one or more variables
- Differential and integral calculus
- Linear algebra (linear equation systems, matrix calculus)
- Basic skills in procedural programming
Textbooks, Recommended Reading
- Papula: Mathematik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Band 3 (Vieweg)
- Koop, Moock: Lineare Optimierung (Spektrumverlag)
- Zimmermann: Operations Research (Vieweg)
Supporting Scientific Staff
Transcipt Entry
Advanced Mathematics
Total effort [hours] |
we |
written exam |
Frequency: 3/year
Course components
- mathematical models of theoretical electrical engineering
- scalar and vector fields
- differential operators
- line integral
- surface integral
- integral theorems
- mathematical models for electrical dynamics
- Technische Systeme optimieren
- mathematical optimization models
- general optimization model
- classification
- optimization procedures
- linear optimization model
- description
- graphical solution
- normal form
- basis solution
- simplex procedure
- simplex tableau
- basis change
- primal simplex procedure
- theory of duality
- dual simplex tableau
- dual simplex procedure
- transport problems
- description
- optimal solution
- simulation tools
Acquired Skills
- mathematical models
- mathematical description of applied problems
- application of mathematical models
- electrical dynamics
- optimal scheduling of power plants
- optimization procedures
- selection of appropriate algoritms
- construction of algorithms
- implementation of algorithms
- numerical simulation
- evaluation of the results
Additional Component Assessment
Type |
fPS |
exercise (on course and self study) |
Contribution to course grade |
fPS |
unrated |

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