Course Mathematics 1 Kunz
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kunz
Meets requirements of following modules(MID)
Course Organization
Version |
created |
2011-11-09 |
1 |
valid from |
WS 2012/13 |
valid to |
Course identifiers |
Long name |
Mathematics 1 Kunz |
F07_MA1_Kunz |
CEID (exam identifier) |
Contact hours per week (SWS) |
Lecture |
5 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
2 |
Lab |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial(voluntary) |
2 |
Total contact hours |
Lecture |
75 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
30 |
Lab |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial (voluntary) |
30 |
Max. capacity |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
40 |
Lab |
Project |
Seminar |
Total effort (hours): 300
Instruction language
Study Level
- tangible school knowledge
Textbooks, Recommended Reading
- Fetzer/Frankel: Mathematik
- Papula: Mathematik
- Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kunz
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Grünvogel
Supporting Scientific Staff
Transcipt Entry
Mathematics 1
Type |
wE |
if directly following course: 30% midterm exam, 70% concluding written exam |
wE |
if not directly following course: 100% |
Total effort [hours] |
wE |
10 |
Frequency: 2/year
Course components
- basics
- statements
- sets
- natural numbers
- factorial
- binomial theorem
- mathematical induction
- real numbers
- functions
- monotonous
- bounded
- symmetry
- linear adaption of axes
- elementary functions
- algebraic functions
- division of polynomials
- Horner's method
- partial fraction decomposition
- transcendental functions
- trigonometric functions
- exp and log
- geometry
- analysis
- convergence, divergence
- sequences
- functions
- continuity
- complex numbers
- linear algebra
- vectors
- linear (in)dependence
- scalar product
- angle between vectors
- norm
- orthogonal decomposition
- cross product
- iterated cross products
- angle between planes
- spherical angle, spherical triangles
- matrices
- linear equation systems
- Gaussian elimination
- inversion
- determinants
- orthogonal matrices
- homogeneous coordinates
- eigenvalues, -vectors
Acquired Skills
- solve exercises concerning
- basics
- statements
- sets
- natural numbers
- factorial
- binomial theorem
- mathematical induction
- real numbers
- functions
- monotonous
- bounded
- symmetry
- linear adaption of axes
- elementary functions
- algebraic functions
- division of polynomials
- Horner's method
- partial fraction decomposition
- transcendental functions
- trigonometric functions
- exp and log
- geometry
- analysis
- convergence, divergence
- sequences
- functions
- continuity
- complex numbers
- linear algebra
- vectors
- linear (in)dependence
- scalar product
- angle between vectors
- norm
- orthogonal decomposition
- cross product
- iterated cross products
- angle between planes
- spherical angle, spherical triangles
- matrices
- linear equation systems
- Gaussian elimination
- inversion
- determinants
- orthogonal matrices
- homogeneous coordinates
- eigenvalues, -vectors
Operational Competences
- solve application-related problems
Additional Component Assessment
Type |
wE |
written midterm exam about 8 weeks after start |
fPS |
exrcises during lecture and as home work |
Contribution to course grade |
wE |
30% of the points of concluding assesssment |
fPS |
prerequisite to course exam |
Frequency: 1/year

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