Course Web Programming
Responsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luigi Lo Iacono
Meets requirements of following modules(MID)
Course Organization
Version |
created |
2011-11-09 |
1 |
valid from |
WS 2012/13 |
valid to |
Course identifiers |
Long name |
Web Programming |
F07_WEB |
CEID (exam identifier) |
Contact hours per week (SWS) |
Lecture |
3 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
2 |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial(voluntary) |
Total contact hours |
Lecture |
45 |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
30 |
Project |
Seminar |
Tutorial (voluntary) |
Max. capacity |
Exercise (unsplit) |
Exercise (split) |
Lab |
18 |
Project |
Seminar |
Total effort (hours): 180
Instruction language
Study Level
- Computer Science 1
- Computer Science 2
- Computer Science 3
Textbooks, Recommended Reading
- G. Kappel, B. Pröll, S. Reich: Web Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2006
- R. Schreiner: Computernetzwerke -- Von den Grundlagen zur Funktion und Anwendung, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2009
- D. Gourley, B. Totty: HTTP: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly, 2002
- B. P. Hogan: HTML5 & CSS3, O‘Reilly, 2011
- Stefan Koch: JavaScript: Einführung, Programmierung und Referenz, Dpunkt, 2011
- D. S. McFarland: JavaScript and jQuery: The Missing Manual, O’Reilly, 2011
- T. Stark: Java EE 5, Addison Wesley, 2006
- M. Pilgrim: Dive Into HTML5, Online verfügbar unter:
- M. Haverbeke: Eloquent JavaScript, Online verfügbar unter:
- M. Heiderich, C. Matthies, J. Dahse, fukami: Sichere Webanwendungen: Das Praxisbuch, Galileo Computing, 2008
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Luigi Lo Iacono
Supporting Scientific Staff
Transcipt Entry
Web Programming
Type |
sMP |
Regelfall (bei großer Prüfungszahl: sK) |
Total effort [hours] |
sMP |
10 |
Frequency: 2-3/year
Course components
- anatomy of Web applications (reference model)
- client-side technologies
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- related libraries and frameworks
- server-side technologies
- source codes including web page generation statements (CGI, Java Servlets, ...)
- web pages including programming languages (PHP, JSP, ASP, ...)
- related libraries and frameworks
- web-based standard software (content management systems, wikis, ...)
- software development process and tools
- design patterns and best practices
- testing of web applications
- security of web applications
Acquired Skills
- organising and executing a web development project
- desgning a web application
- selection of suitable Web technologies for a given develpoment target
- applying web technologies and concepts in the context of a given development target
- implementing a web application
- design anfd implementation of a web application with a specific focus on the media domain
- analysing and validating web applications
Additional Component Assessment
Acquired Skills
- grasping and understanding descprition of development tasks
- designing and implementating Web applications
- testing and securing Web applications
Operational Competences
- analysing tasks and formalising/abstracting models
- developing application components on the basis of available models
- testing and securing own developments
- reviewing results of course peers
Additional Component Assessment
Type |
bÜA |
Präsenzübung und Selbstlernaufgaben |
Contribution to course grade |
bÜA |
unbenotet, Voraussetzung für Modulprüfung |
Frequency: 1/year

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