
AVW - Visual and Auditive Perception

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: AVW

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Long name Visual and Auditive Perception
Approving CModule AVW_BaMT, AVW_BaOPT
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Reiter
Professor Fakultät IME
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 36
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Reiter
Professor Fakultät IME

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Pörschmann
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements none
Language German
Separate final exam No
Christoph von Campenhausen: „Die Sinne des Menschen“
David H. Hubel: „Auge und Gehirn – Neurophysiologie des Sehens“
Zwicker, E., Feldtkeller, R. (1967). „Das Ohr als Nachrichtenempfänger,“ S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart.
Blauert, J. (1999), „Spatial Hearing,” MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Blauert, J., Xiang, N. (2008).“Acoustic for Engineers – Troy Lectures,“ Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
Weinzierl, Stefan (2008). „Handbuch der Audiotechnik,“ Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Learning goals

visual perception
structure of the visual system
perception of brightness
perception of contrast
spatial resolution
temporal resolution
colour perception
perception of spatial depth

auditory perception
human auditory system
loudness perception
pitch perception
spatial hearing
mechanisms of localisation
distance perception
cocktail-party effect
precedence effect / sum localisation
spectral and temporal masking

audiovisual interaction
audivisual precedence effect
Mc Gurk effect

specify requirements for audiovisual media systems

assess performance of audiovisual systems with respect to human perception
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 3
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
electronic presentation sheets
elektronic tutorials
videos (in prep.)
Separate exam
Exam Type
solving exercises within limited functional / methodical scope under examination conditions
regular short written exams (5 min) at the end of the lecture
Minimum standard
at least 50% of points after subtraction of the number of points that ist achievable on average by pure random guess.

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