
SMC - Product Development for Smart City

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: SMC

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Long name Product Development for Smart City
Approving CModule SMC_BaET
Prof. Dr. Christof Humpert
Professor Fakultät IME
Organisation and materials ILU course for the Smart City course
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 60
Dr. Maike Bröker
Requirements undefined
Language German, English if necessary
Separate final exam Yes
Final exam
Oral presentation on the project and oral examination on the following topics:
- Classification of own project work in the overall context of the Smart City
- Key objectives and possible solutions of a Smart City
- Meaningfulness of individual measures of a Smart City
Minimum standard
Presentation in a defined form and duration
50 % of the questions answered correctly
Exam Type
Oral presentation on the project and oral examination on the following topics:
- Classification of own project work in the overall context of the Smart City
- Key objectives and possible solutions of a Smart City
- Meaningfulness of individual measures of a Smart City

Learning goals

- Definition and typical measures of a smart city
- Problems of urban development
- Large urban projects worldwide and system view
- Social impacts and challenges
- Mobility of the future and energy supply in urban areas
- Basics for scientific research
- Requirements for preparing a report and presentation

analyze and critically evaluate smart city measures
conduct scientific searches
prepare scientific presentations
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Lecture 2
Exercises (whole course) 1
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
electronic lecture slides for the lecture,
electronic collection of exercises,
electronic tutorials for self-study
Separate exam

Learning goals

Creating own product developments for smart cities, communicating product messages,
Creating business models for smart city products
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Project 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
list of possible topics,
description of a scenario for the development of a Smart City
Separate exam
Exam Type
working on projects assignment with your team e.g. in a lab)
Evaluation of the layout and formal aspects of the project report
Evaluation of the content aspects
Evaluation of the scientific approach
Minimum standard
Submission of a report in the defined format and length
80 % sufficient references available
70 % correct content and logical structure

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