
SYP - System Design Lab

PDF Course Catalog Deutsche Version: SYP

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Long name System Design Lab
Approving CModule SYP_BaTIN
Prof. Dr. René Wörzberger
Professor Fakultät IME
Organisation and materials Ilu course
Level Bachelor
Semester in the year winter semester
Duration Semester
Hours in self-study 138
Prof. Dr. René Wörzberger
Professor Fakultät IME
Requirements Good programming skills and skills in software engineering.

These prerequisites can be demostrated by
* having passed "Praktische Informatik 1" and "Praktische Informatik 2" and the lab course of "Software Engineering" or
* having passed "Software-Praktikum" or
* by passing an additional aptitude test at the beginning of the course "Software Design Lab"
Language German
Separate final exam No

Learning goals

team-oriented software development

communication with customers

coverage of whole software lifecycle

organize project regarding schedule and content

give presentations

develop schedule for development project

elicit and document customer requirements

specify and model system according to requirements

design system according to specification and quality requirements

implement system

document technical system details

verify implemented system

create user documentation

present own solutions to customers
Expenditure classroom teaching
Type Attendance (h/Wk.)
Practical training 4
Tutorial (voluntary) 0
Special literature
Special requirements
Accompanying material
elektronische Entwicklungswerkzeuge

elektronische Tutorials für Selbststudium
Hilfsblätter und Vorlagen
Separate exam
Exam Type
working on projects assignment with your team e.g. in a lab)
Diverse deliverables have to be submitted by the teams at several milestone deadlines. These include documented requirements, designs, source code, user documentation etc. These deliverables will be graded and -- together with a grading of the team performance in general -- contribute to the overall grading of the course as a whole.
Minimum standard
50% of all achievable points

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